The Sky Is Falling

The Tree Says

The tree says – enough of this being rooted to the spot. I am a tree and I have had enough. I break free because the Earth is in danger; the waterways are clogged; pollution is creeping, inching its way into everything. The water treatment companies are dumping untreated sewage into the sea and into our rivers.

The Government is on its last legs and seemingly unable or unwilling to force the water treatment companies to do anything substantive to stop the problem, And the shareholders in the water treatment companies draw profits that deny the companies the funds to put right that which they have failed to do properly. Where is the enforcement of the licence terms? Where is the faith in justice?

via Flying Twigs

Of course the sky is falling. The ground upon which we stand and upon which we rely for our peace of mind, is shifting under our feet. The Earth is not benign; it has been pushed and pulled and now it is responding in its way.

This is the mindset many people have in this the early part of the 21st century. And naturally, it only adds to the sense of insecurity and unease that people throughout the world are feeling.

We wanted to be individuals. We spent centuries, millennia breaking free of so that we could express our precious selves.

And now we are asking, screaming – where are we?

And we cry out we say stop polluting our world and our minds.

A tree does not need to justify its existence. We do however need to justify destroying it, whether or not at some point down the road the fallen tree will get its innocent revenge by releasing CO2 and killing the planet.

Careful housekeeping – looking after the place and not treating it like a rubbish tip – is simply good manners and a show of gratitude for the benefits we receive from the place we live.

And not treating each other as rubbish tips for our minds and our displeasures – this too is a show of gratitude for the benefit of being here and of recognising how precious it is.

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