Kimonos In Spring

In Japan in March and April during cherry blossom season we saw lots of young Japanese women in kimonos being photographed by their partners. Their partners were generally dressed in modern clothing. And something I noticed because I like to photograph, is that the partners usually had pretty good cameras.

They might be shooting with one of the interchangeable lens Sony mirrorless models or one of the other major brands. Definitely not with little point and shoots. Photographing your partner in kimono is serious business.

Here are two young women being photographed. You can see the partner of the one alongside the building to the right. And below is a crop of the woman in the foreground. Look at the shape of the shadow her parasol makes on the floor of the courtyard.

Japanese women in kimono being photographed by their partners
Japanese woman in kimono being photographed by her partner

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1 Comment

  1. Tamara says:

    We were there during cherry blossom season and also during graduation time as my Japanese friend Sonoko explained.

    Liked by 1 person

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