Brazilian Giant-Rhubarb

Gunnera manicata

Gunnera manicata with people for size comparison

At the end of last year’s season, the gardeners at the Botanic Gardens here in Cambridge cut down the sodden, sagging leaves and piled them on the spot where the plant had been. The reason I am telling you this is because what you see here is entirely this year’s growth. Pretty astounding, eh?

By the way, the Latin name is Gunnera manicata, and according to the Garden guide it originated in Chile. Wikipedia says it originated in Brazil, hence Brazilian Giant-Rhubarb.

What Lies Beneath

Gunnera manicata beneath the leaves


  1. Tamara says:

    WOW, did that just grow to its gargantuan heights recently? Or maybe we weren’t in that part of the gardens when we visited just a bit earlier this month? Gorgeous!! (Uhhh, I can’t help but also think peripherally of my mom’s famed strawberry and rhubarb pie 🥧 🤩!).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, they put on a spurt of growth and just kept on going. There are some others in the Botanic Gardens that I didn’t photograph that are taller than these – way, way over heard height.


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