
Working out what G-d is like is a bit like a blind man picturing an elephant from touch. Still, if G-d can create a human being with free will, that’s clever. It’s more clever than creating stars and planets and everything on them. The quality of ‘randomness’ is similarly clever.

Is that seed head part of the plant? None of the other leaves have it. Or did the seed head get blown or carried to that spot? And then a couple of seed spilled out. Seemingly randomly.


  1. Funny, I first saw your photo, and then your words; looked back at the photo and reread the words and then I wondered what sort of plant this is and whether there are also other species growing unseen in the bed? Is this normally the way this plant produces seed after millennia of development so that it requires the slight soaking it would get from collected rain or dew drops at the apex of the leaf – or whether the seed head is simply peeking up from underneath and from a different type of plant altogether? Or if, as you observed that none of the other plants have a seed pod, and as they are so obviously crowded together, it is simply time for moving house and the offering of seed is this species’ request to hitch a ride from a more mobile life-form (a fine example of the symbiotic relationship between Plants and Animals… ♥️
    So, I ask you David: is this simple serendipity or the fine-tuned orchestration of Life? (Personally, I hear music everywhere; )

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Within creation, I regard all outcomes in Nature as equal and welcome because the system is ‘in safe hands’.

      I was musing that if there is a plan outside of creation that directs it, then it is a wonder that that direction includes ‘randomness’. A miracle!


      1. ‘The Plan’ for All Life is to not only survive, but to thrive and procreate in order to guarantee the next generations and everything happens for a reason, whether we recognise the rhythm of it or not.
        I have always been incredibly annoyed by the Bruce Cockburn line: “If a tree falls in the forest, does anybody hear?” On the surface, what possible difference does it make to the life of the forest whether or not ‘we’ hear it fall? The tree is dead. The life within it will revert back to the earth and the refuge it provided is gone. In Nature the cycle continues while ‘we’ – ignorant of its demise – remain oblivious. Although I’m fairly certain his inquiry was rhetorical and actually begging us to become aware of the long-term, disastrously complicated results of deforestation (human greed, ignorance and stupidity) Nothing at all ‘natural’ about that.
        But back to your plants in the garden… Is this truly a ‘natural’ system, or are they confined within a bed, carefully edged, or surrounded by trimmed lawns? How do these plants grow in their natural habitat? Assuming this seed pod was actually grown by the leaf upon which it appears and not simply dropped by a passing bird or falling from a nearby tree’s branch, then there truly was nothing random, but instead with the absolute intention of procreation, continuance, survival… The Miracle is in the diversity Life has developed while managing to overcome the obstacles of the millennia; )


        1. I don’t know the name Bruce Cockburn, (I looked him up and see he is a singer/songwriter), but I know the Buddhist view of the question about a tree that falls in the forest that asks the question whether anything exists if there is not an observer.

          That view is that object only has meaning in relation to subject, and vice versa – and that the two are two faces of the same thing. Therefore, no observer observing that event, then it truly didn’t happen.

          It seems such nonsense (dangerous words that only a fool would utter) when I think that I can walk into a wood in Spring and see the young leaves and then come back later in the year and see the leave fall. What mental gymnastics do I have to do to believe that nothing happened outside of me in the interim?

          Here’s a question, though: When the asteroid that hit Yucatan wiped out most of life on Earth, was it almost a death blow from which Nature managed to claw back? Or was it a planned and necessary step on the way to the variety we have today? Plainly, Nature is bigger than life on Earth – witness the tides, the solar radiation, the cosmic rays that hit us, our gravitational place in the heavens. But ever since Copernicus we have accepted that the Earth is ‘off to the side’ somewhere – a dot in the cosmos. Anything can happen, and what we see is Nature’s fight against entropy, with a side helping of blind chance.

          However, two studies described in Wikipedia show that when you look at the cosmic radiation background map of the known universe, the structure is correlated with the plane of the earth around the sun. And that puts the Earth in a central place in the heavens. And if that is so, then maybe there is a ‘plan’ – and that was my starting point.

          Liked by 1 person

        2. Ah yes, now I understand your intent David, thank you! But seriously, how ridiculously presumptuous to say (the pomposity of it!!) to assume that nothing happens in our absence?? It totally boggles my mind with the absolute asininity of it!! This is how we’ve managed to make such a mess of our planet… Ignorance, Stupidity and Greed


        3. Interesting and unfortunately all too relevant in these days of shark finning – a modern extinction in the making.

          Liked by 1 person

  2. So, do you know what these plants are David?


    1. Nope, I’ll find out, if I can.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Yeah…. How many times now? Greed. Ignorance. Stupidity.


  4. writemeow says:

    That’s deep! 😊 I believe G-d has a plan … like, always. Interesting discussion in the comments, though. I appreciate the beauty in nature, the Fibonacci numbers and the fact that the system is in safe hands gives me hope. Not sure about randomness — have to think about that one.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I like that – deep with a smile. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

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