Quiz: What Do These Have In Common

The Last Of The Mohicans
The Triple Echo
The Short Happy Life of Francis McComber


  1. Lucy Brazier says:

    All the titles start with ‘The’..? Other than that – I’ve got nothing 😉


    1. This is true, they all start with the word ‘the’. And that does get you into the fasttrack programme for creative thinkers. But…. no.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Lucy Brazier says:

        Ah. I feel proud of myself for making an effort, at least…


  2. Joan E. Miller says:

    Not a clue. They’re all books?


    1. They are. There’s something more that they have in common, though.


  3. A strong female character?


  4. Strong female characters that all (presumably) know how to handle a gun?


    1. No, but that’s an answer that shows familiarity with the books.


      1. Well no, just doing some research looking for the answer. Sooo… When should we be looking for an answer, David?


        1. I will give the answer to the Quiz now.

          They are all books where the meaning of the titles only becomes clear at the end of the book.

          At the end of the The Last Of The Mohicans the son is killed and Chingachgook is then the last of the Mohicans.
          The Triple Echo is the sound of the shotgun echoing around the hills at the end of the final scene.
          At the end of The Short Happy Life of Francis McComber we understand what his ‘short happy’ life means.


        2. Mara Eastern says:

          Oh I see! Well, I sort of know this but it didn’t occur to me that this is the answer we’re looking for! Clever. Thank you for the challenge! Hopefully there will be another one, preferably on literature!


        3. Glad you liked it! I’ll get my literature thinking cap on 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  5. Mara Eastern says:

    Everybody dies and no one lives happily ever after?


    1. Good answer. Not everyone dies, though, and I suspect that Mrs McComber had such a meagre conscience that she probably lived happily.


  6. reb says:

    I remember reading «Sophie’s Choice» … took a helluva time before I found out what the actual _choice_ was. Ughh …


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