Fluentry For Team Publishing

NOTE: I wrote the following in the Fluentry app.

I got an early access to Fluentry, and I am writing in it now.

It’s clearly intended for teams to hone content and then publish. There’s an editorial calendar, in fact as many calendars as you need, and the idea is to synchronise with the efforts of other members of the team so that the content is published at the the best time.

I can envisage a scenario something like a blog post being synchronised with a press release.

The text editor has the usual features – embolden, italics, links, add images, etc. Next to the text editor there is a comment box for you and the other members of the team to use when you ask for their feedback via Fluentry.

It says you can

“…publish and promote content on key blogging and social media platforms. Automatically publish for optimal impact, or manually publish at any time.”


I just clicked publish and it opened a box where I could pick up the code to publish this. The ‘code’ means the HTML-coded document.

Seems pretty simple – Of course most platforms have a visual editor and a draft mode, so the Editor and the code grabber are not enough to sell this idea to me. So it has to be the team collaboration built around the comment facility that is its strongpoint.

I guess Google’s Wave was the last attempt at real-time collaborative writing. Is there a similar feature in G+ I wonder?

I don’t have a team with which I work, but maybe you do and maybe Fluentry is right for you?


  1. rebekah says:

    I remember the hype when they were about to release Wave. One Google person said it would replace email (!) Hmpphh … didn’t you need an email address to sign up for Wave?! I never understood what it was good for, but I see a point now, when you mention the team and collaboration.

    I’ve settled for an app named Poster, for WordPress posts… but I haven’t posted anything in a long time 🙂


    1. Poster app looks interesting, although I am not sure how it can compete when there’s the native WordPress app.


      1. rebekah says:

        Right now, I can’t even remember what I felt was missing, in the native WP app … whatever it was could even have been updated by now. Haven’t used either one in many moons.. I want to get back into the swing of things here, but so much has been going on «in real life», and I’m way behind..


        1. I hope your ‘real life’ is going well. 🙂


        2. rebekah says:

          Somewhat better … for now


      2. rebekah says:

        I remember now, what it was I had a hang-up about: that I didn’t know how to insert picture from URL. Could be that I’m missing something, because I don’t see how I can get to the source code, where you can insert HTML. Maybe that’s when you use the CODE button…


        1. I’ll bear that in mind next time I post something and report back.


        2. rebekah says:

          In Twitter, I came across your Pelicancards dot info. Just wanted to say how NICE [in lack of better word] that page looked. Dunno if you made the theme yourself, or what, but it was very … tasteful.


        3. How long ago was that? If it was more than a day or two ago, then I have a disaster to tell you about. I was cleaning up some sites and I deleted ALL the page content from the site. I have the posts content, and I am part-way through setting it all up again. Would you take a look and let me know whether that was the appearance of the site that you liked?


        4. rebekah says:

          It was last night, I think. Went back now, and it’s gone, but I adore the lily picture ! It’s divine, and one of my absolute favourite flowers.

          The page I saw yesterday, I liked the colours, the font everything. It was so nice and clean, and the purple sidebar, with the detail of the border really did it for me … even though purple wouldn’t normally be my choice, here I liked it … enough to scroll down to see what theme it was 😉


        5. Ah, that’s the Sidepane theme from Themify.me. I now have it up an running at Flyingtwigs as a test site while I decide what to do with it.


        6. rebekah says:

          I don’t know why I like it so much … really not my normal colour scheme 😀 …but I do..


        7. rebekah says:

          That theme is $39 … or something!


  2. I got two themes and some other stuff for $7.00 Here’s the link to Bundlehunt and I am not sure but the deal might be still available.


  3. rebekah says:

    Expired! I bought it anyway …I’m so happy with it!


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